Pets at the Magic


We LOVE animals at Mendocino Magic. As long as impacts are minimal and that animals stay under control of the owner at all times during the length of stay on site, we are happy to have them.

For Campouts and Weekend Rentals: YES! While dogs are welcomed, they must be kept on leash for the safety and security of themselves, other guests, other guests dogs, and for protecting our native habitat and many natural facets of our ecological space. Owners must be responsible for their pets and pet’s behavior, and poop must be picked up and placed in garbage (not in the compost) to be packed out upon departure.

For Events & Weddings: NO! We do not recommend bringing dogs to private parties and weddings.

A few examples of what could go wrong:

  • Two dogs barking and fighting during the ceremony is a bad way to share your vows

  • Dog gets into the kitchen and ruins sanitation elements of food prep

  • Dog gets into someone’s tent and nabs that unsuspecting guest’s snacks

  • Dog defecates somewhere no one knows until it gets stepped in

    We love dogs, but we ask event organizers to please understand our reasoning for not allowing dogs on site for weddings and events.